Sunday, August 27, 2017

Differences Between THC And CBD You Need To Know

In recent years, high strain CBD has seen a rise in popularity due to the fact that unlike THC it does not distort consciousness. CBD oil is perfectly legal in the USA and the following are some of the differences between CBD and THC:

1.    THC is Psychoactive Whereas CBD is Not

THC is the primary psychoactive component in cannabis. Since CBD is not psychoactive by nature, taking CBD crystals can mellow human body and prevent strong feelings of anxiety and paranoia.

2.    Hemp-Derived CBD oil has Less THC than Medical Cannabis

Hemp-derived CBD oil contains less than 0.3 per cent THC while medical cannabis or marijuana contains more. It is due to this higher content of tetrahydrocannabinol in medical cannabis that gives the feeling of “high”.

3.    CBD Offers More Health Benefits Than THC

THC offers health benefits like reduction of inflammation, nausea and vomiting. It is also used in a treatment of chronic pain and appetite stimulation of cancer patients. While a pure CBD oil can not only provide these benefits but also help to reduce depression, anxiety, mood swings and psychosis.

4.    THC and CBD are Scientifically Different in How they Influence the Human Body

THC activates the cannabinoid receptor called CB-1 present primarily in the brain and controls the mood, pain, appetite and many more. CBD just stimulates CB-1 and CB-2 receptors inducing receptor activation and receptor’s interaction with other cannabinoids. 

If right kind of cannabinoid Hemp oil is chosen containing less THC, then it can prove to be very helpful for medical uses without getting the feeling of “high”.   

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